The North American Species of Pholiota


This is an online reprint of:

Smith, A.H. & Hesler, L.R. (1968). The North American Species of Pholiota. Hafner Publishing Company: New York, NY. 402 p. + 90 pl.

Like much of the taxonomic literature of mycology, The North American Species of Pholiota has long been out-of-print. MykoWeb is committed to making as much if this literature as we can freely available.

This Pholiota monograph contains 216 taxa, but Smith and Hesler's concept of Pholiota was very broad. Included are species that today we would consider to be in Flammulaster, Kuehneromyces, Naucoria, Pachylepyrium, Phaeomarasmius and other genera. We have not attempted to update the nomenclature.

How to use this Online Edition

The Table of Contents will get you to the various sections of the book. If you want to key a specimen, you can start at the Key to Subgenera. All the keys to sections, stirps, and species can be found under the various Subgenera headings, linked from the Subgenera Key page or the Table of Contents. To find a particular species, use the Species Index or the Search facility.

This monograph is also available to download as a PDF file.


Thanks to all who helped proofread this version: Jane Wardzinska, Darvin DeShazer, Ron Pastorino, Jason Hollinger, Peter Werner, Dimitar Bojantchev, Alice Sunshine, Nathan Wilson, and J. R. Blair. Special thanks to Dr. Else Vellinga who proofread the Latin.

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