The North American Species of Crepidotus

Ex 5. Pleuroflammula puberula (Pk.) Sing., Lilloa 13: 85. 1947.

Crepidotus puberulus Pk., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 25: 324. 1898.

Pileus 6-10 mm broad, reniform or suborbicular, nearly plane, sometimes almost resupinate, brown, minutely pubescent. Context thin. Lamellae ventricose, rather broad, rusty-brown when mature, edges whitish.

Stipe 2-4 mm long, lateral or eccentric, equal, curved, base white-mycelioid.

Spores 8-10 x 5-6 µ, ellipsoid, smooth, with a germ-pore, brown or slightly yellowish-brown. Basidia 13-22 x 4-6 µ, 1-2-4-spored. Pleurocystidia 26-31 x 6-7 µ (halfway up the gill), more or less fusoid to clavate-appendiculate, rare; cheilocystidia 26-48 x 6-7 µ, cylindric or subclavate to clavate-appendiculate, not abundant. Gill trama subparallel. Pileus trama interwoven. Cuticle of repent, brown hyphae, bearing erect, scattered cylindric to subnodulose colorless, rarely slightly fuscous hyphae -scarcely a turf. Clamp connections on the epicuticular and pileus trama hyphae.

Habit, Habitat, and Distribution: On wood, California, March.

Material Studied: CALIFORNIA: Peck, type, collected by McClatchie, at Compton, March 18, 1897.

Observations: Singer (1947) transfers this to the genus Pleuroflammula, because of the presence of a veil. The description of microscopic characters above is based on a study of the type.